Projekt: GM.Geodesy
Download QTH Manager
(, ready to use after decompressing)
- Language: .NET 4.6.1 / C# 7.3 and above
- Topics:
- Geographical coordinates
- Geographical distance
- Azimuth heading (bearing)
- Waypoint projections
- Maidenhead Locator (Grid Square)
- CSV file creation (Comma Separated Values)
- KML file creation (Google Earth overlays) for Maidenhead
- Themen:
- Geographische Koordinaten
- Geographische Entfernung
- Azimutwinkel, Antennenrichtung
- Wegepunkt-Projektionen
- Maidenhead Locator
- CSV-Datei-Erstellung (Comma Separated Values)
- KML-Datei-Erstellung (Google Earth overlays) für Maidenhead
- Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Version 11.00 (includes libraries, a
small test application and the QTH Manager):
Screenshot QTH Manager:
Google Earth with KML by QTH Manager:
Letzte Änderung: 20.06.2022 || Zurück || Homepage: